Mission Statement: Intermountain Academy is an inclusive environment that empowers students with Autism by fostering academic and social-emotional growth using evidence-based practices to ready them for life in the community.
Intermountain Academy provides:
- Specialized classroom instruction
- Opportunities for accelerated curriculum
- Opportunities for High School students to take classes with Pima Community College
- Behavior assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan development
- Effective communication feedback between teach staff and parents via ClassDojo
The Intermountain Academy Curriculum:
- Utilizes positive behavioral support (PBIS)
- RethinkEd (Vizzle) maximizes measurable 1st-12th grade academic achievement in core subject areas – math, science, language arts, social studies, and the arts
- Is individually customized for each student because of the school’s balanced student to faculty ratio
- Offers educational material, in gradual sequences, to meet the needs of each student
- Is delivered by faculty well-trained in behavioral models, utilizing positive behavior support and emphasizing the concepts of programmed learning
- Includes educational and vocational opportunities throughout Pima County
- Supports positive replacement behaviors for anti-social and other negative behaviors that interfere with learning and forming meaningful and lasting relationships.
- Is a nationally accredited school certified by Cognia
Interactive Map
Enrollment Information
Intermountain Academy accepts referrals from school district personnel or private individuals. For enrollment and scholarship information, as well as to transmit referral information, please contact:
Phone: (520) 721-1887
Tuition and Scholarships
Funding is accepted from Southern Arizona public school districts and/or individual’s private pay. Disabled/Displaced Scholarships and Low Income Scholarships are available. Arizona Department of Education also offers the Empowerment Scholarship which generally covers full tuition to the Intermountain Academy. www.azed.gov/esa Funds are acquired through the Arizona Leadership Foundation, which serves as a conduit for scholarships and the Institute of Better Education, which serves as a conduit for individual taxpayers who have designated support to the Academy.
For information on scholarship support, please call 520-232-2900 or email: intermountainacademy@ichd.net.
For additional information regarding Arizona Leadership Foundation, please visit their website arizonaleader.org.
For additional information regarding Institute for Better Education, please visit their website ibescholarships.org.
Learning at the Academy
Intermountain Academy provides innovative educational programming for children in grades 1-12 with a primary educational diagnosis of autism in Southern Arizona.
Our model is grounded in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), a well-researched and evidence-based framework for children with autism. We align our RethinkEd (Vizzle) curriculum to Common Core Standards (Arizona’s College and Career Readiness Standards) using personalized curriculum and staff trained in special education and ABA.
Individualized Education - Curriculum
Intermountain offers each student individualized curriculum using the latest research and best-practice guidelines. The Academy utilizes research based curricula that meet the academic, social, communication, behavioral and physical needs of all of our students.
Benchmark Advance Language Arts Curriculum
Our structured literacy programs are standards-aligned and informed by the latest research into the science of reading. They feature vertically aligned units that empower students to engage deeply with a topic to build skills within and across grades. Topics are knowledge-based, expanding both general and academic vocabulary in support of reading, writing, and constructive conversation.
Spiraled mini-lessons integrate new and previously learned skills using topic-based unit texts and resources. Language foundations are reinforced through explicit phonics and word study instruction that is linked to authentic reading and writing practice, with reading and writing independence achieved through gradual release of responsibility from whole-group to small-group/independent time.
Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction is a teaching method rooted in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and extensively tested and proven to nurture students into confident learners including at-risk, ESL, special education, and at-level students. It gives teachers the power to reach them all.
There are three things that make the Direct Instruction method so powerful.
- Design: Skills are introduced gradually, reinforced, and continually assessed, so no student can fall behind.
- Delivery: Lessons are scripted and quickly paced. Teachers correct errors immediately and motivate students with positive reinforcement.
- Documentation: Fifty years of independent research shows measurable success in all kinds of classrooms.
One Teacher with Multi-Level Classrooms
Students with autism have various levels of functioning and academic abilities that do not necessarily correlate with age or grade level. Intermountain Academy currently employs one teacher in each of its multi-grade classrooms who is proficient in ABA, as well as at least two trained technicians. This results in a maximum 5 to 1 student-to-teacher ratio. One-on-one student support is available as needed.
Intermountain Academy Work Based Learning
The Roberts Foundation Transition to Work Training Center houses the Work Based Learning program at Intermountain Academy. The program focuses on students learning soft and hard skills to maintain successful competitive employment in an entry level job.
Intermountain Academy offers support to students that may be enrolled in a technical education program such as the Joint Technical Education District (JTED) or community college.
Intermountain provides On-the-Job Training and support by allowing students to participate in Work Based Learning internships and entrepreneurship opportunities, at the various local businesses partnered with our school committed to employing our students. These opportunities provide real world experiences for students and numerous teaching opportunities from our on site job coaches. Job coaches provide support by utilizing instructional strategies and building relationships with each student.
The Work Based Learning program is not limited to off campus opportunities but also provides various on campus jobs for our students to participate in, while also having a job coach for instruction and support. Providing on campus opportunities allows our students to practice their soft and hard skills in a familiar and comfortable environment before going to an off campus work site.
Intermountain Academy provides a transition curriculum to help build self-determination, guide education in self-determination, interpersonal skills, and employment skills. From resume building to interview skills and even providing community-based instruction. Our staff takes a person-centered approach to planning for life after Intermountain Academy.
Work Based Learning is an integral part of preparing students for careers and post-secondary education experiences. Our ongoing partnership with Sonoran UCEDD, Vocational Rehabilitation and various local businesses allows for numerous opportunities.