young boy receiving a shot in the arm from a female doctor

Integrated Health Care Services

Our Integrated Clinics are designed to provide a wide range of Behavioral Health and Physical Health Services by professional staff. Services are structured to enhance your personal wellness, including primary care, care coordination, counselling, peer support, nutritional education and counselling, chronic disease management, health screenings, pharmacy and lab services. An experienced team of providers support you in setting goals and developing an individualized plan.


A woman consoling another woman who is crying

Mental Health Services

Intermountain Centers provides mental health services to those who have identified a need for services regardless of acuity. Services are tailored to individual needs with an emphases on self-sufficiency.


Female teacher with two small children counting on their hands.

Autism / ABA Services

We use an evidenced based behavioral approach, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), that honors the child or adults motivation and preference and aims to make each treatment session a positive experience. We encourage participation in our session and off separate parent and family education sessions.


Two little girls on their phones

Specialized Educational Services

The Intermountain Academy offers a positive teaching environment for youth with autism – a school that builds on each child’s strengths and interests.


Youth boy hearing a grey hoodie and sitting in a chair. Seen from behind a woman, blurry in the foreground

Substance Use Treatment Services

Intermountain Centers offers comprehensive and individualized Substance Use Services in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Services are grounded in the Community Reinforcement Approach evidenced based model.


Family sitting on a couch eating popcorn and having fun.

Foster Care Services

Intermountain Centers has been supporting foster parents, throughout Arizona, for nearly 50 years. Our experienced foster care staff will guide you through each step in becoming a foster parent; assisting you to preparation of a placement and supporting you during the time a placement is in your home.


Family holding hands

Residential Services

We offer a variety of short-term and specialized residential programs for youth and adults. Our programs are individualized, strength based and grounded in the behavioral model, ABA.


Mom with child in her arms comforting them

Supportive Housing Services

We provide fully integrated Supportive Housing services and wrap-around support to promote rehabilitation and housing stability to our community’s most vulnerable populations.